Greeley Clean

Air Project

Weld County has the highest number of fracked oil and gas wells in the U.S., leading to significant health risks from air pollutants.

This project aims to help equip people living in Weld County with the resources & tools we need to address these issues and fight for clean air.

Check out the data

Take a look at the air quality data for Weld County and get a rundown on what the associated health, environmental, and economic impact of the data shows us.

Air quality data

Sign up to volunteer

Volunteers for clean air in Greeley, Colorado gathering underneath a pergola

Join our volunteer team! We will be canvassing, creating educational materials, hosting community connectivity events, making air quality monitoring data digestible and accessible to the community, hosting educational workshops, and empowering community members to become climate advocates!

Join our volunteer team

Show up & get involved!


Some upcoming events to learn more and get involved.
